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Need a New Mechanic in Sunnybank or Wishart? Try Mansfield Motors

Breaking up with your old mechanic in Sunnybank or Wishart can be a challenging and awkward thing, but sometimes it’s for the best. Maybe the spark is gone, or things are just falling apart. We’re not talking in metaphors here—if either of those things are happening, it’s time you moved on to someone who can really care for your car.

Finding a new mechanic in Wishart or Sunnybank can be a challenge, though. You don’t want to repeat the same experience you just had—you want to find someone who can give you better service than the last place did. That’s why you should choose your next mechanic carefully. Sunnybank and Wishart have plenty of options available, after all, but they’re not necessarily going to have what you need.

What do you look for in a good mechanic? Customer service and quality workmanship are probably the two most important things. People will use all kinds of angles and sales pitches to get you to choose their business, but at the end of the day, it’s the simple things that matter the most. Do they do a good job? Do they treat you with respect and honesty? Can they get the work done on time? Can you get it without paying a fortune?

If you chose Mansfield Motors, the answer to all those questions is “yes”. An experienced full-service mechanic, Mansfield Motors has some of the best equipment anywhere in the region and a team of extremely qualified people who know just how to use it. Backed by leaders in the automotive industry like Repco and a member of reputable organisations like the Motor Trades Association of Queensland, we’re an excellent choice for all your needs. Choose Mansfield Motors and a mechanic with whom you can trust.

Mansfield: The Mechanic with Solid Qualifications

The owner of Mansfield Motors, Julian, also serves as our technical team leader. With trade qualifications as both an auto electrician and mechanic, and a licensed air conditioning pro and Queensland vehicle examiner, Julian is a professional who knows what he’s doing in practically every scenario. With a strong foundation and a strong focus on customer service, Julian and the team at Mansfield Motors are on hand to take care of broken starter motors, faulty fuel injectors or anti-lock braking systems that need to be touched up—and many more problems besides. Our level of experience allows us to handle even the toughest challenges with grace and skill.

Call Us Today and Book Your Visit

We’re always ready to receive new customers, so don’t be shy. When you need to find a mechanic near Sunnybank, Wishart, or Mansfield, do yourself a favour and call the best team in the area. Mansfield Motors is looking forward to getting you back on the road with a smile on your face. We’ll work closely with you to help you understand the problems your car is having, and show you exactly why our methods will help.

For all your car repairs, servicing needs. Book online with Mansfield Motors today with our online booking form.

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