You are not restricted to our opening hours. We have an early drop off and late pick up procedure.
We understand that our opening and closing times are not suitable to everyone, so we can inform you about our early drop off and late pick up arrangements.
There are two systems in place to accommodate early and overnight drop off of your vehicle. We have the "Early Bird" system for when we are closed. Here's how it works: park your vehicle in our car park in front of our building. Remove all your valuables and lock your vehicle up. Write us a short note with your details -- most important is the best phone number to contact you with. Deposit the note & the key into the drop box in the front door. When we open we will call to confirm that we've received your vehicle and make sure we are on the same page about what you want us to do with it! We can be very busy in the mornings, so if you have not received a call about your Early Bird, be sure to check in around 9:30am or 10am to see what's up.
The other system is a little even easier: you can drop your car off any day prior to your appointment during business hours. All vehicles will be locked in overnight so you can be at ease. Of course, this option only works for people who don't need their vehicles in the evening. There is no additional storage fee for this service.